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Time:2024-02-06 14:28:03 Read:0 作者:



The Skeleton Key is about a 25-year old girl Caroline Ellis.


She decides to quit her job in a hospital and gets a job as a caretaker living in a plantation home in Terrebone Parish, Louisiana. 

She soon discovers the scary attic in the house, with all sorts of hoodoo recipes, spells, books, etc. 

She starts to investigate and question Violet, the owner of the house, about the secrets. 

But if she believes in what she discovers, it will all become real!


可以考虑以下四个方面。类型:drama 正片、故事片 / comedy 喜剧 / horror film 恐怖片 / science fiction 科幻 / thriller 惊悚片 / romance 爱情片 / animation 动画片演职员:hero 男主角 / heroine 女主角 / main role 主要角色 / supporting role 配角 / director 导演相关环节:plot 情节 / setting 背景 / acting 演技 / soundtrack 原声 / special effect 特效一些有用的形容词:heart-warming 暖心的 / well acted 演技好 / has lots of twists and turns 情节曲折 / believable 真实可信 / original 原创 / gripping (情节)扣人心弦 / predictable (情节)老套、可猜测你把以上这些都大概提一遍,那些形容词拼拼凑凑,练得流利一些,就能应付了。用一个特别俗的例子做很简单的描述:

My favourite film is Titanic. It's a drama, a global block buster. The story is about the tragic shipwreck of the great cruise ship Titantic and the love story of two main characters. The plot is gripping from beginning to end, with a lot of twists and turns. The ending is rather sad because the hero died. The soundtrack and special effect of this movie are great. I like it because it's a must-see classic!微博 / 知乎:@沈师兄知乎专栏:有聊的词 / 微信公众号:英语学习所


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