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Time:2024-04-06 02:47:25 Read:0 作者:



1. "Wonder"是一部非常感人和励志的电影,它讲述了一个面容畸形的小男孩奥吉在学校和社会中的成长和奋斗故事。
2. 观看这部电影后,我深受启发,因为它不仅展现了家庭的温暖和友情的力量,还表达了宽容、接纳和尊重每个人独特之处的重要性。
3. 此外,电影通过情节的设置、演员的表演和场景的描绘,向观众传递了积极的价值观和人性的美好。



《绿皮书》是一部充满温情和感动的电影。通过黑人司机Tony和白人钢琴家Dr. Don Shirley的旅程,揭示了种族歧视和隔阂的存在。这个故事向我们传递了深刻的人性观察:尊重和理解可以抵消仇恨和偏见。并且在两位主角需互相依存之际,他们之间的友谊也习得增强。在当今社会的动荡中,这个电影提醒我们去探索和接纳我们不同的文化,以创造一个更美好的未来。

The scene that impressed me the most was when their car broke down on the road, Don got off with his fancy suit. 

He looked at the black people standing in the fields with their ragged clothes, and they looked back as well. I suddenly understood Don’s pain for being not black enough, black people don’t accept him because he’s completely in another class and don’t understand their poverty.

 At the same time, white people were in favor of his talent, but they still looked down on him because of his color and didn’t allow him to use the bathroom in the restaurant where he just gave a performance.

The movie was profoundly impressive and won the Oscar in 2019. 

It was absolutely a masterpiece because it reflects a topic that had been discussed for decades, race. 

Recently, a series of riot broke out in America as a result of a black man being killed by a policeman mistakenly. Reality is not as good as it in the movie。


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