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Time:2024-01-31 19:52:56 Read:0 作者:



Zhang Yimou (张艺谋 born November 14, 1950) is a Chinese filmmaker and cinematographer who made his directorial debut in 1987 with the film Red Sorghum.


Most of his films up to the mid-nineties featured the Chinese actress Gong Li (巩利). Gong and Zhang's romantic relationship ended during production of Shanghai Triad; the two have not collaborated since finishing that film.


Hero (英雄 2003)

Happy Times (幸福时光 2000)

The Road Home (我的父亲母亲 1999)

Not One Less (一个都不能少 1999)

Keep Cool (有话好好说 1997)

Lumière and Company (1995)


Just reading "The Ransom of Red Chief" , The story is very funny with black humor,like the Chinese saying “go for wool and come home shorn”. It makes me a movie named " Home Alone "。


The story described two poor men Bill and Sam need money. They kidnapped a son of the richest man in the Summit town. Unfortunately, they met a most naughty boy in the world, and then fell into the nightmare.

The end of story made people feel ironical. Since the naughty boy teased them and almost made Bill mad. At last, they can't bear the boy, and pay Ebenezer Dorset(the boy's father) two hundred and fifty dollars and get his son back.

故事讲述了两个穷困潦倒的人bill和sam 缺钱,从而绑架 顶峰镇首富的儿子, 不幸的是,他们遇到了世界上最调皮的男孩, 从此然后陷入噩梦。

故事的结尾让人啼笑皆非。因为这个调皮的孩子戏弄他们, 几乎让比尔发疯。最后, 他们不能忍受了,并支付EBENEZER DORSET(男孩父亲) 250 美元 , 并送回他的儿子。


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